Technology Financial Management

" Capitalize on opportunities with your technology investments "

Technology financial management solutions enable smart

decision-making about technology investments today so you

can deliver immediate and long-term value.

Cost Transparency

Cut costs and optimize your tech investments

Effectively managing technology spend and digital transformation requires data-driven decisions to eliminate waste and invest in initiatives to mitigate the impact of economic uncertainty.

Salient Features

*Gain a connected and complete understanding of your technology spend and value delivered.

* Simplify collection of key cost driver data.

* Perform root-cause analytics to drive strategic business value..

* Lower overall IT spend,redirect investments and align investments to strategic priorities.


IT Planning

Make data-powered decisions at the pace of your business

Organizations that quickly adjust planned technology investments can ensure they’re cutting costs in the right places while still preserving innovation. .

Salient Features

* Accelerate forecasting frequency and use variance analysis to redirect resources to higher-value activities.

* Increase budget owner involvement and accountability.

* Shift focus to strategic planning initiatives.

* Perform “what-if” scenarios and financial replanning to cut costs based on market conditions.

Call To Action

To Align Technology Investments to Business Outcomes and to discuss value proposition contact

Showback and Chargeback

Drive shared accountability of technology spend

A showback or chargeback strategy creates a shared responsibility for technology costs. Showback provides business units with an understanding of what makes up the single line item of expense they call “IT” and shows them how to make changes in the costs or improve the business output

Salient Features

* Deliver defensible billing showing the value of IT – in language the business understands.

* ncrease accountability and transparency with consistent, automated billing.

* Drive consumption behavior by offering service options and letting business units dictate demand.

* Reduced variance from budget to actuals.