Leading SAFe Executive Workshop

Contact : scalenow@scalenow.com.au

To reach the tipping point in an enterprise, there is a need to align executive stakeholders on the problems to be solved, developing their understanding of what it means to be a Lean Enterprise, help them assess where they are on that journey, and guide them on the next steps to better understanding SAFe.

The workshop willl aim to
(a) discuss current challenges with executives, (b) introduce the 7 core competencies of a Lean Enterprise, (c) self-assessment in terms of the current symptoms being experienced, and (d) define next steps.

Business Architecture , Value Stream Identification Workshop

Contact : scalenow@scalenow.com.au

Before launching an Agile Release Train (ART), enterprise stakeholders need to work together to identify Value Streams, define ARTs, and define the necessary steps for the first ART launch

The workshop presents a structured, proven approach for collaborating with stakeholders to define Value Streams and ARTs. The workshop helps stakeholders optimize their design by considering coordination requirements, dependencies, Epic distribution, and organizational change impact.

Value Stream Mapping Workshop

Contact : scalenow@scalenow.com.au

Value Streams are improved by identifying and removing bottlenecks. Value Stream Mapping Workshop (VSMW) provides a structured method and for visualizing, measuring and improving Value Stream performance. Necessary tools and resources are provided within the workshop.


Value Stream Mapping workshop targets performance improvements in only one Value Stream. The bottlenecks and delays between major functional domains within the Value Stream are identified at a strategic level
Lean Portfolio Management Workshop

Contact : scalenow@scalenow.com.au

Microsoft Word - 02 Usage Guide (V5.1).docx

The Lean Portfolio Management competency aligns strategy and execution by applying Lean and systems thinking approaches to strategy and investment funding, Agile portfolio operations, and governance. It is one of the seven core competencies of the Lean Enterprise, each of which is essential to achieving Business Agility.

The workshop is conducted after  teaching the Lean Portfolio Management course. The course is for  two-days with additional  one-day allocated to practise tools and techniques
